lunedì 21 aprile 2014

Caccia al tesoro intorno a Volterra

Treasure Hunt around Volterra


Poco prima della Pieve della Nera, lungo un importante strada etrusca e poi medievale, si trova la leggendaria Fonte del Latte. Godeva della curiosa fama di far venire il latte alle madri che allattavano i bambini. “…una fontana d’acqua dolce, che bevendone le donne prive di latte, fra poco tempo molto abondevolmente vi è tornato…”.

Ancient source of fresh water. An old legend says that helping mothers to have milk.


Tra Pomarance e Montecerboli, si trova un posto affascinante e curioso facilmente raggiungibile: le rovine del Bagno di San Michele alle Formiche situato nell’angusta e suggestiva valle del fosso di Radicagnoli. Le prime notizie documentate su questa importante stazione termale risalgono al 1266. In passato meta privilegiata di lebbrosi, il Bagno di San Michele è stato oggetto di studio da parte dei più celebri naturalisti per le particolari virtù terapeutiche.

Between Pomarance and Montecerboli there is a curious and fascinating place easily accessibile: the ruins of San Michele alle Formiche, located in the narrow and picturesque valley of the trench of Radicagnoli. The first documented news on this important thermal resort dates back to 1266. Preferred destination for the lepers in the past, the bath of San Michele has bees studied by the most famous naturalists for its special healing powers. Its waters flow from two distinct sources, respectively at 34° C and 44° C with an average flow of about 14 squared meters in 24 hours. Today is still possible to see the residential part of the bath and a particular bay bridge that was used as a covered passage to reach the thermal station located over the creek. Among the ruins stands a strange room with blue walls, where is still possible to see a pool with steps filled with thermal water. We also recommend to extend the trip to the not far San Michele’s Abbey. The legend tells that one day a big bell fell off from there and, rolling down the will, ended in the small stream of Radicagnoli. The impact was so hard to dig a deep pit, which later filled with water and from which, sometimes, is possible to hear the sound of the bell.

Toiano c'è.

E' il paese fantasma per eccellenza, affascinante a tal punto che chi si reca viene inevitabilmente investito dall'atmosfera di rovina e abbandono.

This ancient village, which is accessed by a bridge (once a drawbridge) dates back to the Middle Ages , is located between Palaia and Volterra lies on a sandstone outcrop of volcanic rock , surrounded by a landscape of cliffs filler typical of this region, but unique in the world. And ' the ghost town par excellence , charming to the point that those who come will inevitably be invested by the atmosphere of ruin and abandonment, without this great distance from ' last town and without the desert environment that surrounds him, would not have had this as so mysterious and intriguing.

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